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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  October 17, 2011 2:05am-4:00am EDT

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>> the race car drivers, we have to block this possibility. and unfortunately when it happens it is really hard. >> days like today, is it worth it, no? absolutely not. but it is what we, we push each other. push ourselves. push our team. to win these races and championships. it is what drives us forward. it's what we love. then you see that happening to dan. you go, you know what? it doesn't matter. >> for him, motor racing was his life but also was his family. because he drove part time this year, won the indianapolis 500, did a couple races late this season. he spent immense time with his family. actually been a season he has cherished. as drivers we are on the road doing promotion, testing. for dan this was a season he loved he got to spend a lot of time with his new family. >> we get into these cars and know we risk our lives, a test or race. this track is very fast here at las vegas motor speedway. a mile and a half track. much like other ones we have driven. and the speeds are high. you go the length of a football
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field in less than a second. unfortunately when things happen in front of you and you don't have, reaction time, bad things can happen. the sport is getting safer, but with the car going up into the catch fence, unfortunately, that was something that, i don't think that we could prepare ourselves for. >> espn's scott goodyear with the report. there had been earlier concerns there was aggressive driving early on in the race. going 225 miles an hour. is definitely going to raise concerns. >> absolutely. very crowded track. 34 drivers competing. obviously very dangerous sport. you look at that accident, it is just terrifying to think also his family being there. and he has two very young sons. also leaving behind a wife. >> absolutely. very difficult for the family. >> moving on now, occupy wall street movement is entering the second month more determined. protestors are stepping up acts of civil disobedience to draw attention to the 99% suffering at the hands of the 1%. hundreds arrested over the
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weekend in cities nation and worldwide. organizers say, donations are pouring in. >> americans of all ages, races, and walks of life gathered on the national mall to dedicate the martin luther king jr. memorial. among them, the president. dr. king's children, and some of those who marched with him, more than four decades ago. more now from abc's ron claiborne. >> reporter: they gathered by the thousands at the monument to the man who dreamed of just this kind of america. comfortable with its diverse team. >> in this place, you will stand for all time. among monuments to those who fathered this nation, and those who defended it. >> reporter: at the ceremony, many too young to have lived through the tumult of the civil rights movement. >> this is a way for me to be able to experience him and see what he was about. >> this is something no one ever actually thought would be able to be done. >> reporter: there were veterans of the movement. and king's own children.
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>> free at last, free at last. >> reporter: during his lifetime, martin luther king jr. was a controversial figure to some. >> he went from being, perhaps the most hated man in america to the most loved man. and revered man in america. >> reporter: the 30-foot tall granite monument is not without controversy itself. some say the demeanor is too stern. others question the choice of a chinese sculptor instead of african-american. and more recently, there has been criticism of one of the quotations on the king memorial's wall. >> i was the drum major for justice, peace and righteousness. >> reporter: king said if you want to say i was a drum major. >> if you want to say that i was a drum major, say that i was a drum major for justice. say that i was a drum major for peace. >> the poet said dropping the key word "if" makes king seem arrogant. ♪ we shall overcome >> reporter: on this day at least, that argument was set
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aside by those who came to celebrate the man and his dream. >> president obama said he is there because he saw what we might become. ron claiborne, abc news. the federal government is unveiling new plans today to protect cell phone customers. fcc and industry leaders want to prevent bill shock. wireless come pans would have to warn customers when they're about to go over their monthly limits on voice, texting and data use. customers who may face huge charges for roping domestically or internationally would get a warning. come pans would have to send free alerts to customers so there would be no surprise. that is something that i could use. >> because there is nothing like opening up the bill end of the month and saying, whoa. little too much on that one. that's when you start using the company phone. here is a look now at your weather this monday. south florida, you could be getting 4 inches of rain over the next 24 hours. also, showers from kansas city to saut. louis.
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light rain, rapid city. cheyenne, northern colorado. near record highs across the south. >> that's right, 80s, dallas to atlanta. upper 60s. new york, boston. 50s, detroit to fargo. phoenix hits 96. sacramento, 83. >> # 3. doesn't that sound nice. >> lovely. >> perfect. world series about to get under way. football season in full swing. we want to let you know pan am games, they're happening. they're happening. they might not be getting as much attention. u.s. making a pretty good showing. snagging 15 medals opening day alone. >> unfortunately we can't say the same for one cheerleader. performing a dance routine. she misjudged her location and oops, right there, you see it, fell into the pool. but she did go on to finish the routine. dripping wet. with a smile on her face. good for her. >> i'm laughing with her. not laughing at her. but honestly. you are going to set up a cheerleading competition on the edge of the pool? really? all right. >> poor thing.
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inevitable. you put her right there. going to happen. >> exactly. get on the video there. we'll be right back with more "world news now." ♪ i know that it's over [ queen latifah ] america's #1 long-wear lipcolor and # 1 lipstain... is covergirl outlast! what makes outlast so great? with outlast, we can go for hours and our lipcolor still looks fresh. no smearing. no smudging. no transfers. so spread the news, not the lipstick. outlast is america's #1! outlast lipcolor and lipstain from easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl.
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[ male announcer ] only rogaine® foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'm like, "hey look at me. it's working." [ male announcer ] go to and you can get " a 4-month supply of rogaine® for just $59.95. order in the next 10 minutes and get free shipping! welcome back on this monday morning, everyone. more than ape year now since the oil was gushing from the bp well at the bottom of the gulf of mexico. if you think all the problems are over, think again. >> that's right, very apparent when i went down to the gulf coast earlier this week and speck to shrimpers who are really struggling. in 40 years of shrimping, peter gericha has never had a season this bad. >> quality of the shrimp ain't there.
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>> reporter: a few docks down, martin is catching a quarter of what he usually pulls in. >> reporter: when you are pulling up the nets what are you seeing? >> nightmares. it's terrible. really bad. it is all fish and no shrimp. >> reporter: what is to blame? shrimpers here all point to last summer's massive oil spill. at the time we saw firsthand those birds covered in sludge. had to be scrubbed by hand. but there was no way to scrub the wildlife below the surface. now researchers discovered what they believe are mutations in some of the smallest and most common fish in the gulf, the tiny kit. -- kilafish. >> tracking this species will give us an idea of the effect. >> on the left the gills of a healthy kilafish. on the right, the brown is not oil but potentially deadly mutation. for now no one has been able to prove a direct link between the
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bp oil spill and the damage to the kilafish or crippled shrimping season. other factors, extremely dry summer and massive freshwater flooding could play a part. whatever the reason the result is the say. these boats are all docked. >> reporter: without the shrimp what happens to all the boats? >> whew, wow, a lot of boats for sale. >> wow. >> heartbreaking to be down there. to talk to the people who have really done this for generations. some of them, 30, 40 years, and their father before them. they have never seen a season like this. and they say that what they believe is that that oil really damaged the larva so the shrimp aren't hatching. they think it will take, four, five years if that to get this back. >> the shrimpers you talked to. everyone knew there was going to be some kind of ramification did they think it was going to be this bad? >> they didn't. they said compensation bp provided is not enough. there is no directling, nothing
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to prove this is because of the oil. hard to deny that must play a part. >> their livelihoods drying up in front of them. >> tough. >> coming up still ahead, a star trek actor has a message for all of us. >> you are going to love this, lady gaga performed for bill clinton. wait till you see it. "the skinny" is coming up next.
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my favorite part of the show. time for "the skinny." you guys are going to love the first story. let me lead this off. bill clinton celebrated his 65th birthday. got to see the video. courtesy of our friend at yahoo!. this is usher, having, a little bit too much fun. he ripped his pants. you see it there. look at him. he powers through. keeps on going. like the cheerleader we saw earlier. >> i hate when my pants rip when i am dancing. >> especially in the front of a former president. >> he doesn't miss a beat at all. >> keeps on going. >> the real story, the one you have got. >> the real story. you have been pushing for usher.
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this one. >> people get caught up in a little bill romance. ♪ caught in a bill romance if any one can make president clinton blush it is lady gaga. giving him a serenade in front of secretary of state hillary clinton and his daughter chelsea right there. i mean, she really had some flirtatious moves. a few lines. >> she said her marilyn monroe moment. she really seized it there. she absolutely did. look at that. it would seem awkward for anyone else. but for the clintons they love, lived it up. it is. celebrity politics right there. great. fun night right there. >> now we move on. a new romance, casually dating, bradley cooper and jennifer lopez. now their reps aren't confirming this. they have been spotted together. they're said to be dating. we have had bennifer do we call them bradifer.
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something like that. she is newly divorced out on the market. looks great. i think she was named sexiest woman in the world. >> can you imagine if they had kids how beautiful they would be? >> just had the other kids. >> not that they're not beautiful kids. jumping the gun. putting rings on fingers. and all sorts of stuff. yeah, wish them the best of luck for that. a very touching story, i thought was great. zachary, played spock in "star trek" he came out in a very nonchalant way. doing an article for new york magazine. he said the reason why he came out was the fact that -- he was inspired by, a young boy that had committed suicide, he was gay, he made, it gets better video. zachary said that is, encouraged him to say as a gay man i need to come out live, proud and strong. very nice to see. plus he is 34. i'm 35. i'm thinking -- i could, i can lose my distracttion abut dating actors right from that one maybe. >> really touching though.
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his blog, wrote about the young man. wanted to reach out. hopefully, let other folks know, it does get better. >> absolutely does. great story i like to report on. coming up. turning bright lights in the blight. >> hollywood discovers a rundown, rust belt city. you are watching "world news now." we know a place where tossing and turning
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ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then get lunesta for $0 at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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♪ >> well, finally this half-hour, gary, indiana, you know it as michael jackson's home town. it is long past its glory days. but it is putting its proverbial best foot forward these days. >> it might not be the most scenic part of the country, but some who are looking for something specific it is perfect for them. abc's chris bury went to gary to check it out. >> reporter: in the new transformers movie they stage an epic battle here.
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in nightmare on elm street, evil freddie krueger makes it his lair. and in pearl harbor, those american planes are bombing it. not hollywood. it's actually gary, indiana. a rust belt city that can't afford to tear down awful its abandoned buildings. so gary is renting out its ruins as ready-made sets. >> why not take lemons and make lemonade. squeeze a little economic value out of these structures. >> reporter: this old cement plant becomes chernobyl after the meltdown. in transformers dark of the moon. hollywood directors love buildings like this, gary's city methodist church. once a magnificent cathedral, now a perfect backdrop for scenes of decay and destruction. in the new thriller, altered, a killer priest lurks here, dispatching his victims in the old chap. >> this would cost hundreds of thousands.
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millions to re-create. >> reporter: from low budget zombie flicks. to multimillion dollar block busters, filmmakers are flocking to gary's picturesque decline. >> undus trindustrial decay has certain, charm. >> reporter: once a booming steel town, gary fell on hard times after those jobs moved overseas. >> action! >> reporter: now the film industry is the own one thriving here, and $500 a day per location, a bargain for filmmakers, a blessing for gary. money helps train high schoolkid to work on movie sets like this. so gary is squeezing gold from its faded glory. but you can't see it from here, the movie theater is abandoned too. chris bury, abc news, gary, indiana. talk about turning lemons into lemonade there. >> midwest tenacity at its best. that's the news for this half-hour. don't miss our updates on face
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book >> catch us on twitter. stay in touch. thank you for staying up with
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this morning on "world news now" -- terror on track. a terrible, chain reaction indy car crash killed one of the sport's superstars. >> dan wheldon, the winner of last year's indy 500 was killed when his cash crashed and burned in front of fans and fellow drivers. it is monday, october 17th. good monday morning, i'm in for rob nelson. >> i'm yunji de nies. there were concerns about excessive speed and aggressive driving during the race in las vegas until the huge crash.
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the victim of one of the -- is one of the indy car's biggest stars and his loss is leaving fans, officials and fellow drivers in grief. >> so much heartbreak from the story. also this monday morning, more threats of civil disobedience from occupy wall street protestors. the movement taking hold now on city's worldwide. it has been a weekend of unrest from new york to california. overseas in fact to berlin. so, we'll be keeping an eye on how that is going to develop. >> amazing spreading around the world. later this half-hour, more concerns about lindsay lohan who face is a court date in los angeles. why has she skipped out on community service. see why some people are concerned about her health. >> details and people following that. first we wart to start out. veteran drivers say this was the worst crash they had ever seen. a 15-car pileup that killed a promising, popular champion driver. >> incredibly sad. the loss of dan wheldon is being mourned by fans and fellow drivers alike.
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ktnv's katie crowder reports from the racetrack. >> reporter: smoldering cars, scattered around the track. it was like a cash scene out of a movie, happening right in front of the crowd at the las vegas motor speedway. >> cars in flames, wreckage, carnage, terrible. >> they just crumpled and caught on fire. >> reporter: indianapolis 500 winner, dan wheldon died in the 15-car wreck. his car flew over another and smashed into the catch fence. three other drivers were hurt in the pileup. >> out of all the racize hae is ever bun to the most horrific race i have ever seen. >> wheldon was air lifted from the track to umc and two hours later the drivers were told of his death. the 33-year-old father of two was well respected both on and off the track. >> everybody loves him. nice guy. fierce competitor. and a really asset to the sport
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beyond an awesome driver. >> he is going to be missed? >> severely. by so many people. a tough off-season. in a way i am glad the season is over. >> reporter: though the race was canceled after the crash, indy drivers took to the track. with pit crews lined up around them and did a 5-lap salute to honor their friend and colleague who will be so greatly missed. >> so young to die, born in 1978. when i saw that graphic, full screen of him with his birth date and now, of course today, just unbelievable. >> a family that is obviously mourning. you know the drivers, they do talk on this responsibility. at the same time though, 225 miles an hour. some early concerns that maybe the driving was just a little too aggressive early on in the race. tough, tough to see obviously our hearts go out to the family. >> absolutely. nuclear engineer, from the u.s., stranded at the south pole, has been rescued.
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renee nicole douceur may have suffered a stroke unaugust. and has been trying to get medical help ever since. the weather has been so bad her rescue plan could not fly on saturday. another attempt to fly her to safety was successful. she is now at a antarctica research station and will eventually fly to new zealand. missouri national guard has joined the search for baby lisa irwin who vanished from her crib the members of a military police unit were called up to search a wooded area yesterday. less than a mile from the family's kansas city home. it is now been two weeks since the baby disappeared. police say they still have no major leads in that case. >> the manslaughter trial of michael jackson's doctor, resumes tomorrow, due to today's scheduling problems. the prosecution is expected to rest this week. making the way for the defense to call more than a dozen witnesses. abc's jim avila looks back at what we have heard so far and to what's in store. >> good morning, doctor. >> reporter: prosecutors are wrapping their case with the
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strongest of witnesses, four doctors, the medical examiner, cardiologist to a sleep doctor, and anesthesiologist who wrote the dosage book on propofol, all publicly blaming conrad murray for michael jackson's death even if the insomniac singer demanded the med isn't that killed him. >> as physicians we are not just there to enable and provide patients with what they ask us for no matter how much the patient may beg, you as the doctor, have the obligation to say no. >> that is absolutely right. >> reporter: through two weeks of testimony, the prosecution's case has shown that michael jackson was overly medicated and claimed dr. murray should have known it. the evidence -- this phone recording. >> i had no childhood. i feel their pain. i feel their hurt. >> reporter: prosecutors presented fingerprint evidence and identified conrad murray's print on a bottle of propofol recovered from jackson's bedroom. jackson's prints were not found.
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>> the circumstances do not support self administration of propofol. >> reporter: prosecutors struck hard at the heart of the case -- that dr. murray deviated from the standard of care six lethal ways that resulted they say in jackson's death. >> when you monitor a patient you never leave their side. especially after giving propofol. it's -- it's like, leaving a baby that is sleeping on your kitchen counter top. >> reporter: next week the defense gets its turn. and veteran defense attorney says they have only one shot. admitting dr. murray was grossly negligent but insisting his mistakes did not kill jackson. michael did that to himself. >> he didn't cause michael jackson's death. that is what the defense argument is, as far as i can tell right now. >> reporter: jim avila, abc news, los angeles. police near philadelphia made a horrifying discovery.
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three mentally challenged, malnourished people chained in a locked basement. investigators say the victims may have been held in this 15 x 15 room for as long as a week. three suspects are now under arrest. the victims they're in stable condition in the hospital. police believe the suspects were trying to cash the victim's social security checks. the occupy wall street movement started a month ago with a loosely organized band of protestors marching on wall street. today it has spread into dozen of cities across four continents and it is getting louder. wabc's carolina rocarolina reev. >> reporter: pointing to local and worldwide scuffles with police. >> we can make a difference. maybe we don't have one, clear, defined set of demand that we have, but right now it's really -- the most important thing is really about showing
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the numbers. >> reporter: 74 protestors arrested saturday throughout the city. more than 40u6 th in times squa. in chicago 175 people were arrested after they refused to leave a park where they were camped. in sacramento, california, anti-war activist, among 20 people arrest ford failing to follow police orders to disperse. and in cincinnati, ohio, protestors chose to move their demonstration after hearing a couple was having their wedding photos taken in an occupied park. funny enough the bride and groom asked them to stay and be in the pictures. as the night wind down in the park, most tell us they not only want to be heard, they demand action. >> what up, we are not the millionaires. >> there is tension growing among demonstrators here at epicenter of the movement. some protestors believe there should be a focal point, something to rally around.
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others say that's not the point. reporting in lower manhattan, carolina leed, abc news, new york. >> last night's memorial service for apple co-founder, steve jobs had a level of privacy reminiscent of the way jobs lived his life. the technology and media executives joined hundreds of others for a memorial service at stanford university church. guests including google founder, larry page, were tight lip add but the ceremony. apple's memorial is wednesday. called a celebration of jobs' life. well, cell phone customers may soon be getting warnings before ringing up unexpectedly high charges. the fcc, announcing plans to prevent bill shock. wireless come pans would have to warn customers when they're about to go over monthly limits on voice, text, data use. customers who face huge charges for roaming, domestically, internationally would be getting a warning to avoid unpleasant
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surprises. come pans would have to send free alerts to customers as a courtesy warning. nice. >> soon my. here is your monday forecast. downpours from fort myers to west palm beach, miami. scattered showers, in the adirondacks, northern new england. showers and thunderstorms, from oklahoma city to saunt louis and central illinois. showers in wyoming and the colorado mountains. >> 60, seattle. 61, salt lake city. 75, albuquerque. 50s across the midwest. 90, dallas. 82, miami. baltimore, 76. new york beautiful 67 degrees. well, you know you ask almost any couple. they're going to till you mare ing is not a sprint. a marathon, a long term commitment. >> here is an idea the why not test the theory out exchanging vows after running a marathon? that is exactly what a couple did this weekend. literally racing to the altar. >> they say they did it all for love not just for each other but to raise money for their loved
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ones charities. loved ones that they have lost to cancer. obviously for a good cause there. after you finish 26.2. you will do anything, frankly. >> i like this idea though. because what's nice about it, a very cheap way to have a wedding. i'm getting married in june. let me tell you, that is doing it on a budget. >> you would do that. give up the dress? >> no, absolutely not. >> i didn't think. >> looks like a cheap alternative. >> we'll be right back with more "world news now." ♪ this world keeps spinning 6 let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp...
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♪ bad girl talking about the sad girl ♪ >> definitely is lindsay lohan's theme song.
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she will be back in court wednesday. it is fair to say, that the judge will, that she will be unfront of, will have plenty of questions. >> exactly. tough questions, aside, lindsay lohan could find herself back in jail. >> reporter: she has a history of not showing up for court hearings, violating her probation and getting sent back to jail. actress lindsay lohan could repeat herself yet again. an l.a. county judge wants to know why in the world she finished so little community service since may. barely 21 hours of the 480 hours she is required to finish by next april. much of it sentenced after she pleaded no contest to stealing a necklace from a jewelry store. lindsay's attitude is to just simply continue to blow these things off to not do her community service, to ignore her obligation to engage in counseling. >> reporter: at the women's shelter where she was ordered to serve they haven't seen much of her. at her current rate she will
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need 114 months, 9 1/2 years to finish her sentence. >> she is testing everybody's patience. pretty soon the judge has no alternative but to send her to jail. >> reporter: if she doubled down and put in 19 hours a week she would make it in time. if she worked 40 hours a week she would be finished in january. >> these people time and time again enter rehab and are unable to understand the logical consequences. got to do community service the got to be clean and sober for a long type. >> reporter: lohan said i am working hard and fulfilling my obligations every single day. i'd aappreciate it if people will just let me do what is asked of me so i can get my life back. she has had a difficult week. facing all kinds of questions about her health after she unflattering pictures from a red carpet premiere in los angeles. many wondered if her dental hygiene may be a sign of unhealthy behavior. the week before modeling attending fashion shows in italy. critics say she should have been
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home chipping away at community service. >> wow. always watching to see what is going to happen with her. when we come back, monday morning quarterbacking. >> obviously we are not your regulars, that doesn't mean the "world news now" nfl picks competition cannot roll on. this week's results coming up next.
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welcome back. time for monday morning football. time for the nfl "world news now" picks competition. >> before we get to the results. first the highlights. we start with the 49ers visiting previously undefeated detroit. hard hitting game. plenty of penalties as well. 49ers had the little bit of extra down in the stretch, scoring the last ten points of the game all in the last two
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minutes of the fourth quarter. san francisco knocks off the lions, 25-19. we'll get all the post game low lights in a minute. >> yeah, that's right. another really good game, bills/giants, meadowlands, couple long plays including an 80-yard run by fred jackson. had the bills out in front. the giants answered. three short touchdown runs from ahmad bradshaw, it is early, tough defense, buffalo's last chance. the giants win it 27-24. >> cowboys, patriots, had everyone on the edge of their seats. at the end it all came done to tom brady and the driving new england offense. he hit tight end aaron hernandez for the winning touchdown with 22 seconds left in the game. the pats pull out close one at home. they win 20-16. >> finally friday, they mention the games seemed like they would be close, at least until kickoff. that was exactly the case for last night's vikings/bears game. devon hester, the star for chicago.
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caught a 48-yard touchdown pass. returned the second half kickoff for a touchdown. back to the drawing board for the vikings. da-bears win it 39-10. >> man, wish i could have watched all the games. what does it all moon for the "world news now" picks competition? rob nelson is still in the lead. but barely. here is tanya rivero within the game of the lead. going 4-0. >> it means the man, fireman bob. moved into sole possession of third place. jack sheeha ncn, david myers, wallowing in the mire of last place. speaking of wallowing. jack joins us live. >> yeah. >> jack, wallow. you brought some one along. >> thank you for having me. >> as we promised. as we promised friday. we have tanya here. she was the hero of the weekend. as you guys said. she was 4-0. which was great. can we, sorry, can we bring up the leader board again to take a look at that. >> you want to see the painful results again. >> i remember what rob said on
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friday. can we have a listen to that? >> my favorite part of the week is here. especially since i got to remind everyone that i am still atop the standings, healthy, commanding, three-game lead. >> that three-game lead is now down to a single game. so there ain't no command going on right there. >> neither one of them are here to relish in the victory. >> or defend themselves, now come on. >> we'll get one sided on that. friday here from rob. that's that. the lowlight of yesterday's -- it was the detroit -- detroit falling from the ranks of the undefeated. >> panful o fpainful one. the highlight. here go for the coaches. so much for the graceful handshake end of the game. had to be separated from the players. practically, not nose to nose. get the idea. all the way in the tunnel. both talked about it. maybe not laughed it off. >> being from just outside detroit you do not mess with
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detroit especially a sore loser. don't. obviously learned his lesson. >> no doubt. 5-1. detroit. try it again next week. the, thank you, jack, always entertaining. thank you, tanya as well. why women and men, speak the way that we do? >> you will want to see this, an old venus and mars debate. >> yes, exactly. and lunesta can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions, such as tongue or throat swelling, occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness and morning drowsiness.
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and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. that's right. time to give you the news from your morning papers. i like this one, men and women, apparently, speak differently for a reason. an evolutionary one. there is a doctor out with a new book called duels and duets. men speak in duchels, major stereotype alert. women overshare, tend to whisper, tend to be more gossipy. evolutionary traits that he says women have acquired speech patterns and they have bonded
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with each other and do this to protect themselves from aggressive men. men and wait they relate to each other. >> combative. if you can link anything to a study the you can make an argument. >> unoin our genes. >> this from the philadelphia enquirer. they're going to start advertising in schools. from a school in bucks county school district there. start putting ads. 5 x 10 ads on lockers, on walls, all over the elementarile school, junior high school to help raise money. school districts are facing budget short falls. by selling some ads they raised $424,000. not like they're advertising for major products. has to be something educational. nutrition related has to have a message. can't be product specific. advertising at a young age. >> very impressionable there. moving on to something a little lighter. in australia apparently they
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take their drinking seriously and get rough down under. outside the bars started rubberizing the sidewalks, bouncy castle for adutltadults. stumble out. don't skin your knees. >> bring a six-pack to the play land, save installation charges. something new i guess. the daily mail. this story i thought was phenomenal. the daily mail is coming out now with a report saying that, for older women it is good to prevent osteoporosis if you have a pint of beer every day. the reasoning goes -- is that silicone is something that helps build, there it is, helps build strengt strength in our bones helps prevent osteoporosis. silicone is found in malt, beer, from vegetables whole grains, absolutely. as much fun? not at all. >> drink up, ladies. >> which explain is my rational. when you bring a pony keg to the
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nursing home you will be everyone's grandson. >> that is the news for this half-hour. catch our online surprises at facebook and on line.
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this morning on "world news now" -- racetrack tragedy. the indy car pileup in las vegas that killed one of the sport's most popular drivers. >> champion dan wheldon died in a 15-car crash after his car burst into flails. burst into flames. it is monday, october 17th. good monday morning, everyone, i'm dan kloeffler. >> i'm yunji de nies. fans are mourning after the chain reaction crash in las vegas killed a beloved driver, dan wheldon. the indy 500 winner and native
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of great britain was truly a star of this sport. >> shocking a lot of fans and a lot of people. also this morning, all eyes on republicans running for president and the money that they have raised. rick perry slumping in the polls. his wife is making some controversial comments. he is the leader though when it comes to raising cash. >> yes, is he the leader when it comes to all this attention. we hear so much about herman cain. >> late this half-hour, uh-oh, starbuck's dire prediction that coffee may become extinct. what will we do for so many especially on the early morning shift, caffeine is a necessity the see what is behind this nasty headline. >> i am going to check out for the story the i don't want to know the results of that one. first, new details in the crash that killed race car driver, dan wheldon. >> the two-time indy winner died when his car flew over another vehicle and hit the fence. the racing world is mourning the loss of one its most popular stars. >> reporter: what started on a
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high note in the las vegas indy 300 ended with a horrific fiery 15-car pileup early in the 11th lap. >> there it is right there. >> reporter: cars went airborne crashing into each other and the wall. debris flying, littering the track. dan wheldon was one of four drivers taken to the hospital. followed by an agonizing two-hour wait. and then. >> indy car is very sad to announce that dan wheldon has passed away from unsurvivable injury. >> reporter: tears and heartache over the loss of a great racer, beloved friend and colleague. >> lost one of my best friend. one of my greatest teammates. >> we are all going to miss him. a little bit of everybody in indy car racing died today. >> reporter: the race was canceled. drivers took a five lap salute to wheldon. >> we get into the cars and we know we risk our life whether it is a test or race. you go the length of a football field in less than a second. unfortunately when things happen in front of you and you don't have reaction time, bad things
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can happen. >> reporter: wheldon was trying to win a share of a $5 million bonus in the final inny race of the season at las vegas speed way. earlier this year the popular 33-year-old driver won the indianapolis 500 for the second time. but this was only his third start of the season. wheldon scaled back on his racing to spend time with his family. his wife susan and his sons, a 2-year-old and a baby born in march of this year. dan wheldon's life and career so tragically and abruptly over. >> unbelievable. and to see so young, born just in 1978. >> i know. it's so tough for families too, they understand that, drivers are taking on this kind of risk. going 220 miles an hour down the racetrack. a lot of things can go wrong, unfortunately. a sick scientist working at the south pole is on the way to getting much needed medical help. rescue plane has picked up renee
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nicole douceur from her remote outpost. now headed to a research station in antarctica. eventually will make her way to new zealand. doctors believe douceur suffered a stroke six weeks ago. she spoke about her condition just before her rescue. >> i am just sitting here waiting who knows what is going on inside me. i am very concerned about my health and the possible ramifications a s and consequen for staying here. an earlier rescue flight saturday called off the rescue plane, the plane couldn't fly to the research station because of the weather conditions. douceur hoping to get back to her beloved home state of new hampshire. >> shocking story in philadelphia, three people under arrest this morning after police found four mentally challenged, malnourished people chained inside a locked basement. investigators say the conditions were deplorable. 15 x 15 room with barely enough room to stand up. one possible motive, cashing in on the victims' social security
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checks. the fbi is looking into whether the suspects may be part of a large human trafficking operation. to a story now that has a lot of people talking going into its second month, the occupy wall street movement showing no signs of backing down. in fact despite a weekend full of arrests in the united states and worldwide. organizers say they're much more energized than ever. abc's t.j. winick breaks down the first 30 days by the numbers. >> reporter: 1,500 protestors showed up that very first day. outside of wall street, you noticed. saturday, 6,000 marched from wall street to times square. that was just new york. some 250 cities in the country have joined the protest. around the world, it's more than 1,000 cities. mostly peaceful. except for this clash saturday in berlin and rome, where rioters shattered windows, and set cars on fire.
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rome says it will cost them $1.4 million to clean up the mess. back on wall street, where it all started, police say they have spent $3.4 million in overtime. occupy wall street claims to speak for 99% of americans. that top 1% now holds almost 36% of the nation's total wealth. this as most americans struggle. the u.s. unemployment rate frozen at 9.1%. perhaps that's why 37% of americans according to a recent poll support the protestors. when you are cover rallies protestors tell you they want bank reform and tax reform. when pressed their answers are considerably more vague. one thing is clear they're not going away any time soon. t.j. winick, abc news, new york. the who's who of silicone valley turned out in droves last night to pay their respects to apple founder steve jobs. stanford university hosted an
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ultraprivate memorial service. security was tight. google ceo larry page and media mogul rupert murdoch among vips seen arriving at campus chapel. jobs died 12 days ago of cancer. a company memorial scheduled for wednesday. >> thousands of people were in washington, d.c. to dedicate the martin luther king jr. memorial. it is a towering granite memorial on the national mall. president obama addressed the crowd saying "as tough as times may be i know we will overcome." king's children and several civil rights leaders invoked his "i have a dream" speech and reminded the younger generation to carry on the fight. >> on to politics now, republican presidential candidates are gearing up for jet another debate this time tomorrow night in las vegas. the poll numbers are in constant flux. campaign cash is coming in. here is abc's david kerley. >> reporter: rick perry may have fall in like a rock in the polls
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but he is top fund raiser raking in $17 million. $3 million more than mitt romney. >> 999. >> while herman cain is soaring in the polls he raised less than michele bachmann. he says that is changing. >> within the last two weeks we raised $2 m our fund-raising is now beginning to pick up. >> reporter: while cain and candidates are picking up donations. they're also collecting criticism. being out of touch with 14 million unemployed americans. >> if you don't have a job, and you are not rich, blame yourself. >> reporter: the latest example from rick perry's wife in an effort to show compassion to an unemployed man compared his situation to her son's. >> our son, federal regulations washington has put on us. he resigned two weeks ago. >> reporter: perry was not laid off he quit his job at a big bank so he could campaign for his father. >> some of these republican candidates, you know are not --
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using the common touch right now. and you are seeing the reactions of it from some people that say, these guys, just don't get it. >> reporter: every one of leading republican candidates is worst at least $1 million. calling for self reliance, mraming the government plays to the base. that will make it more difficult to attract those struggling in the weak economy. herman cain moved up in the polls with his catchy tax plan, 999. but cain now admitted that some americans will pay even more taxes under his proposal. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> you know, it is so hard the you don't want to fault some one for being successful. you saw the numbers on mitt romney. $250 million. that being his net worth. hard to relate to somebody in that circumstance. >> we complain about the fact campaign season gets earlier and earlier. i think that's why we, i think . when you do have $250 million
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how do you rethe law to some one who doesn't have $250 million. >> i wouldn't mind having that problem. >> i've only got $25 million. any way. drevening ra i dreven northern rockies wet out there for you. >> 60s, boise, colorado springs. 75, albuquerque. just 55 in billings. 50s from minneapolis to kansas city. 67 here unnew york. 84 in atlanta. 86 in new orleans. >> the perfect time in new york right now. not too hot. not too cold. >> gorgeous. >> we get for it two days that's about it. after a pair of decisive victories, the world series match up is set. st. louis cardinals hosting texas rangers game one wednesday night. >> that's right, wild card, cardinals stomped the brew brewers. 12-6. little more than a month ago cards were trailing by 10 1/2 in
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the wild card race. >> they certainly stepped it up in september. they're going 15-5 in the last 20 games. you know what, still a little smarting from the rangers beating my tigers. you can tell which side i am going to be pulling for wednesday night. >> you know you love to see an underdog. i went and saw "money ball" this weekend all about the underdogs. you know, the as going through the whole period of really toughing it out and then having the 20-game winning streak. wonderful movie. makes you love baseball. >> i always go back to league of their own. any way. we'll be back with more "world news now."
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>> you were singing that song in the makeup room early r today. maybe you heard about this guy
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over the weekenweekend. a boxer. >> he made his pro debut saturday night. he spent half of his life in prison before that for a murd here did not commit. abc's david muir has the fascinating details. >> reporter: he walked out to the boxing ring for a match he had been preparing for, nearly 30 years. 52-year-old dewey bazella with a wish to box and win as a free man. >> my worthy cause was my freedom. >> reporter: at 9 years old the boy from brooklyn new york watched his father beat his mother to death. he even lost his brother killed in a violent fight. at 17, dewey moved to upstate new york hoping for a fresh start. within months he was arrested accused in the brutal killing of a 92-year-old woman the only evidence, two local criminal whose swore dewey did it. he got 20 years to life. >> i would die before i tell you i did.
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>> reporter: for years in prison he swore his innocence in the prison's boxing program he discovered the strength to fight for his freedom. he would spend his days in the prison's gym, and met a visitor to the gym he would befriend and fall in love with. he earned his ged, bachelor's and masters in theology. >> dewey never gave up. even though dewey was behind bars he woke up every day loving life. >> reporter: the innocent project found bazella, a team of lawyers that would fight. they discovered all the physical evidence, any link to dna had been destroyed years ago by police. kept looking finding the lead detective now retired who gave them the break they needed, the case file. inside it, a confession, years ago, from some one else. >> awful a sudden, we had evidence showing that the people's witnesses were lying. that, another suspect actually had confessed to the crime. and the prosecution had hid it. both pieces of information, from dewey for 30 years.
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>> reporter: nearly 30 years later, dewey won his freedom. conviction overturned. in front of thousands, the 52-year-old took on a boxer, 22 years his junior. and dewey won. >> i would look to say that you know, dreams do happen, you never give up hope. to always believe in yourself. >> a victory he waited nearly 30 years for. david muir, abc news, new york. >> gosh, the story gives you chills. >> lot of inspiration as well. >> absolutely. switching gears, coming up, something dire is brewing in the coffee industry. >> this is an ugly story. could coffee become a thing of the past? a headline that those of us on the early morning shift do not want to report the but still, it is next.
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on this overnight shift, coffee is a livness ses techt no joke. means having one latte a day. >> that's pretty light. a gallon, gallon and a half. >> if v really. just comes in for that. >> this next story, by barbara pinto, very disturbing. >> here men such as juan valdez. >> imagine juan vald ecez witho his beans. taster's choice couple without something to taste. >> i wouldn't want to live in a world without coffee. >> i'm double fisted with my coffee here. >> reporter: a work force without its morning jolt of java, legions of uncaffeinated zombies slogging through the day. >> probably my fourth dup. >> reporter: director of sustainability for starbuck's warned members of congress this is no joke. he told the guardian newspaper we are seeing, ten, 20, 30 years
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down the road if conditions continue as they are, potentially significant risk to our supply chain which is the coffee bean. this ad run by union of concerned scientists warn heavy rain, long droughts and insect infestations linked to climate change, threaten the future of your morning joe. in barista speak, no venti, grand spechlt, not even a tall. starbuck's may hedge its bets investing in smoothie and juice bars. >> not the same thing. that is a lot of calories. compared to coffee. >> reporter: more bad news, another report out warned the future may also be bitter for chocolate. global warming it says could make parts of africa too hot to grow cocoa. >> world without chocolate and coffee? >> doesn't sound fun at all. i'll have to explore other planets by then. >> not a world i would want to live in. >> reporter: skeptics of global warming say they're growing
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unconcerned. a tempest in a coffee pot. >> god, i love people take this seriously. >> take away air and donuts while you are at it. a little extreme. >> there i am now, abc "world news now" barista. >> double fisted. not a bad way to start the day. [ male announcer ] sheets or bar, how do you get your bounce? i'm a sheets girl, but i don't just put'em in the dryer to freshen up my clothes. i put'em in my shoes, i put'em in my car, i put'em in my vases. girl, i been put'n'em for as long as i can remember. [ male announcer ] how do you get your bounce? [ woman ] sheets, i put'em!
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as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts # medicare, call this toll-free number now. monday morning here on "world news now" -- that means it is time for insomniac theater the you saw footloose second in the box office over the weekend. >> that's right. what were some of the paying customers saying about it. noo we welcome jayce henderson the how was it? >> an exception to much more tighter clothing, more toned
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bodies, modern day music, dance moves. >> which should get anyone into the theaters. >> the plot to the movie is almost exactly the same original footloose. the plot centered around a town with teenagers living their life to the edge. worried about their children, the town bans dancing. in enter's, kevin bacon's role. let's say the end is one huge dance party. some are saying this is a renovation rather than a remake. take a listen. >> it was thumbs up. >> two thumbs up all the way. >> best movie ever. >> awesome. >> there were some portions that i really -- are really boring. but the dance part, that's, that's what i like. the dance part. the last part. >> they would have added more. from the original. so to make it more appealing to
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the public. >> i thought the acting was really good. the original footloose does better. >> i would give the movie 3 1/2 stars. >> i am giving the movie 3 1/2 stars. my own thing about this movie i wish they added more modern spin to the plot. just make it more relatable to today's society. >> are they banning grinding? make it at least that much? or no dancing. >> the whoa notion behind it, dancing it sef. worried that it gave teenagers the excuse to act like idiots and put their lives in jeopardy basically. >> okay. that will sell tickets at $16.1 million. >> exactly. actors look great. you can't deny it. obviously a lot of eye candy. >> fun acts. kenny wormold the lead, justin timberlake's backup dancer. julienne hough, sister of derek
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hough. le le -- talented people. >> is kenny six degrees of
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this morning on "world news now" -- rescue mission. the research scientist who believes she suffered a stroke at the south pole is finally on her way to getting medical attention. >> renee douceur made an unusual dramatic call for help and help finally arrived. it is monday, october 17th. good monday morning. i'm dan kloeffler in for rob nelson. >> i'm yunji de nies. renee douceur boarded a rescue plane at her south pole out post, and the mission will have two steps. she is at a research station now, five hours from the south
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pole. her next stop will be in new zealand where a team of doctors are ready to examine her. >> long trip ahead. still our other top story of the day. terrifying indy car crash in las vegas, killed the champion of the indianapolis 500. dan wheldon died in a chain reaction pileup. it is a huge shock to fans and fellow drivers. >> heartbreaking video there. later this half-hour, the struggles for shrimpers in the gulf of mexico. i'll take you to new orleans and show you why the catch is far from normal not only heartbreaking, the shrimpers are going broke. first, that scientist from the united states may soon get the medical care she desperately needs. a rescue plane picked up renee nicole douceur at the south pole. >> her journey will eventually take her to new zealand. as abc's david muir reports. >> reporter: the cargo plane has finally picked up that nuclear engineer, renee nicole douceur taking her away from the south pole to the doctors waiting for her. flying from chile, the cargo
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plane made it to the antarctica peninsula, but was stopped short because uh of blizzard winds and blinding snow landing at a research center five hours away from renee. she e-mailed abc news before the plane picked her up, last picture inside my dorm room. leaving now to go outside to wait for plane to land. cheers, renee. the new hampshire woman is finally on her way gone from the south pole two months after what she believes was a stroke telling abc news she needed to got out her speech and vision is already impaired. you can hear it in her strained voice. >> as i am just sitting here waiting who knows what is going on inside me. i don't know what is going on inside me. >> reporter: she is 58, working at national science foundation research station. >> i am very concerned about my health and the possible ramifications and consequences for staying here. >> assuming it was a stroke seems to be most likely diagnosis. they didn't have all the modern equipment down there, they don't have an m rcht i scanner. to the best of my knowledge,
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i don't think they have a ct scanner. >> reporter: now there will be a stopover before they arrive in new zealand, the closest hospital with mr is and ct scan. and there is enormous concern over the flight itself given cabin pressure and oxygen levels. >> first available, aircraft, unpressurized, increases potential risk to her. >> reporter: there have been similar rescues before, 1999, jerry nelson fitzgerald, the only physician at an isolated south pole research station, she diagnosed and treated her own breast cancer, performing a biopsy on herself, using only ice and local anesthetic. she waited months before she got out. administering chemotherapy while waiting. rcht echt douceur's family is waiting to hear from her. writing she's been lucky so far, but it's impossible to tell how much danger she is in until she gets to the hospital. david muir, abc news, new york. >> gosh, must be so terrifying. you have been reporting on this story. tell us a little bit about it. >> i was e-mailing with her yesterday. she said she was really hoping the weather was going to hold she was speaking with a meteorologist down there.
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he said that if this plane doesn't get out at the time it got out it might not have been until next thursday. winds were going to start picking up. when it is 70 below that is really what dictates the scheduling. >> so scary, time is of the essence in any medical situation, especially this one. >> a risk they assume when they go down there. at the same time you never plan for something like that. our other top story, this monday morning, an autopsy expected to be performed on the body of race car driver dan wheldon. two time indy winner was killed in a terrible accident on the track in las vegas. espn's scott goodyear, a former driver himself, covered the race. >> reporter: we say that motor racing has the highest highs and the lowest lows. i can assure you for all our drivers in the tribute lap those five laps they did going around the racetrack, a tribute to dan, were the toughest five laps they have ever done with tears coming
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out, behind their visors and something that you can never experience. >> the race car drivers, we have to block this possibility. and unfortunately when it happens it is really hard. >> days like today, is it worth it, no? absolutely not. but it is what we, we push each other. push ourselves. push our team. to win these races and championships. it is what drives us forward. it's what we love. then you see that happening to dan. you go, you know what? it doesn't matter. >> for him, motor racing was his life but also was his family. because he drove part time this year, won the indianapolis 500, did a couple races late this season. he spent immense time with his family. actually been a season he has cherished. as drivers we are on the road doing promotion, testing. for dan this was a season he loved he got to spend a lot of time with his new family. >> we get into these cars and know we risk our lives, a test or race. this track is very fast here at las vegas motor speedway. a mile and a half track. much like other ones we have driven. and the speeds are high. you go the length of a football field in less than a second.
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unfortunately when things happen in front of you and you don't have, reaction time, bad things can happen. the sport is getting safer, but with the car going up into the catch fence, unfortunately, that was something that, i don't think that we could prepare ourselves for. >> espn's scott goodyear with the report. there had been earlier concerns there was aggressive driving early on in the race. going 225 miles an hour. is definitely going to raise concerns. >> absolutely. very crowded track. 34 drivers competing. obviously very dangerous sport. you look at that accident, it is just terrifying to think also his family being there. and he has two very young sons. also leaving behind a wife. >> absolutely. very difficult for the family. >> moving on now, occupy wall street movement is entering the second month more determined. protestors are stepping up acts of civil disobedience to draw attention to what they call the 99% suffering
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at the hands of the 1%. hundreds arrested over the weekend in cities nation and worldwide. organizers say, donations are pouring in. >> americans of all ages, races, and walks of life gathered on the national mall to dedicate the martin luther king jr. memorial. among them, the president. dr. king's children, and some of those who marched with him, more than four decades ago. more now from abc's ron claiborne. >> reporter: they gathered by the thousands at the monument to the man who dreamed of just this kind of america. comfortable with its diverse team. >> in this place, you will stand for all time. among monuments to those who fathered this nation, and those who defended it. >> reporter: at the ceremony, many too young to have lived through the tumult of the civil rights movement. >> this is a way for me to be able to experience him and see what he was about. >> this is something no one ever actually thought would be able to be done. >> reporter: there were veterans of the movement. and king's own children.
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>> free at last, free at last. >> reporter: during his lifetime, martin luther king jr. was a controversial figure to some. >> he went from being, perhaps the most hated man in america to the most loved man. and revered man in america. >> reporter: the 30-foot tall granite monument is not without controversy itself. some say the demeanor is too stern. others question the choice of a chinese sculptor instead of african-american. and more recently, there has been criticism of one of the quotations on the king memorial's wall. >> i was the drum major for justice, peace and righteousness. >> reporter: king said if you want to say i was a drum major. >> if you want to say that i was a drum major, say that i was a drum major for justice. say that i was a drum major for peace. >> the poet said dropping the key word "if" makes king seem arrogant. ♪ we shall overcome >> reporter: on this day at least, that argument was set
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aside by those who came to celebrate the man and his dream. >> president obama said he is there because he saw what we might become. ron claiborne, abc news. the federal government is unveiling new plans today to protect cell phone customers. fcc and industry leaders want to prevent bill shock. wireless companies would have to warn customers when they're about to go over their monthly limits on voice, texting and data use. customers who may face huge charges for roping domestically or internationally would get a warning. companies would have to send free alerts to customers so there would be no surprise. that is something that i could use. >> because there is nothing like opening up the bill end of the month and saying, whoa. little too much on that one. that's when you start using the company phone. here is a look now at your weather this monday. south florida, you could be getting 4 inches of rain over the next 24 hours. also, showers from kansas city to st. louis.
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light rain, rapid city. cheyenne, northern colorado. near record highs across the south. >> that's right, 80s, dallas to atlanta. upper 60s. new york, boston. 50s, detroit to fargo. phoenix hits 96. sacramento, 83. >> 83. doesn't that sound nice. >> lovely. >> perfect. world series about to get under way. football season in full swing. we want to let you know pan am games, they're happening. they're happening. they might not be getting as much attention. u.s. making a pretty good showing. snagging 15 medals opening day alone. >> unfortunately we can't say the same for one cheerleader. while performing a dance routine, she misjudged her location and oops, right there, you see it, fell into the pool. but she did go on to finish the routine. dripping wet. with a smile on her face. good for her. >> i'm laughing with her. not laughing at her. but honestly. you are going to set up a
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cheerleading competition on the edge of the pool? really? all right. >> poor thing. inevitable. you put her right there. going to happen. >> exactly. get on the video there. we'll be right back with more "world news now." ♪ i know that it's over [ queen latifah ] america's #1 long-wear lipcolor and # 1 lipstain... is covergirl outlast! what makes outlast so great? with outlast, we can go for hours and our lipcolor still looks fresh. no smearing. no smudging. no transfers. so spread the news, not the lipstick. outlast is america's #1! outlast lipcolor and lipstain from easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl.
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[ male announcer ] only rogaine® foam is shown to regrow hair in 85% of guys. i'm like, "hey look at me. it's working." [ male announcer ] go to and you can get " a 4-month supply of rogaine® for just $59.95. order in the next 10 minutes and get free shipping! welcome back on this monday morning, everyone. more than a year now since the oil was gushing from the bp well at the bottom of the gulf of mexico. if you think all the problems are over, think again. >> that's right, very apparent when i went down to the gulf coast earlier this week and spoke to shrimpers who are really struggling. in 40 years of shrimping, peter gericha has never had a season this bad. >> quality of the shrimp ain't there. the abundance ain't there. >> reporter: a few docks down,
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martin is catching a quarter of what he usually pulls in. when you are pulling up these nets what are you seeing? >> nightmares. it's terrible. really bad. it is all fish and no shrimp. >> reporter: what is to blame? shrimpers here all point to last summer's massive oil spill. at the time we saw firsthand those birds covered in sludge. had to be scrubbed by hand. but there was no way to scrub the wildlife below the surface. now researchers discovered what they believe are mutations in some of the smallest and most common fish in the gulf, the tiny kilafish. >> they act as a good kaka -- gd canary in the coal mine. >> tracking this species will give us an idea of the effect. >> on the left the gills of a healthy kilafish. on the right, the brown is not oil but potentially deadly mutation. for now no one has been able to prove a direct link between the bp oil spill and the damage to
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the kilafish or crippled shrimping season. other factors, extremely dry summer and massive freshwater flooding could play a part. whatever the reason the result is the same -- these boats are all docked. without those shrimp, what happens to all the boats? >> whew, wow, a lot of boats for sale. >> wow. >> heartbreaking to be down there. to talk to the people who have really done this for generations. some of them, 30, 40 years, and their father before them. they have never seen a season like this. and they say that what they believe is that that oil really damaged the larva so the shrimp aren't hatching. they think it will take, four, five years if that to get this back. >> the shrimpers you talked to. everyone knew there was going to be some kind of ramification did they think it was going to be this bad? >> they didn't. they said compensation bp provided is not enough. there is no direct link, nothing to prove this is because of the
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oil. hard to deny that must play a part. >> their livelihoods drying up in front of them. >> tough. >> coming up still ahead, a star trek actor has a message for all of us. >> you are going to love this, lady gaga performed for bill clinton. wait till you see it. "the skinny" is coming up next.
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my favorite part of the show. time for "the skinny." you guys are going to love the first story. let me lead this off. bill clinton celebrated his 65th birthday. got to see the video. courtesy of our friends at yahoo!. this is usher, having, a little bit too much fun. he ripped his pants. you see it there. look at him. he powers through. keeps on going. like the cheerleader we saw earlier. >> i hate when my pants rip when i am dancing. >> especially in the front of a former president. yikes. >> he is not shy. he doesn't miss a beat at all. >> keeps on going. >> the real story, the one you have got. >> the real story. you have been pushing for usher. this one.
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i have been pushing for this one. >> people get caught up in a little bill romance. ♪ caught in a bill romance if any one can make president clinton blush it is lady gaga. giving him a serenade in front of secretary of state hillary clinton and his daughter chelsea right there. i mean, she really had some flirtatious moves. a few lines. >> she said her marilyn monroe moment. she really seized it there. she absolutely did. look at that. it would seem awkward for anyone else. but for the clintons they love, lived it up. it is. celebrity politics right there. great. fun night right there. >> now we move on. a new romance, casually dating, bradley cooper and jennifer lopez. now their reps aren't confirming this. they have been spotted together. they're said to be dating. we have had bennifer do we call them bradifer. something like that.
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she is newly divorced out on the market. looks great. i think she was named sexiest woman in the world. >> can you imagine if they had kids how beautiful they would be? >> just had the other kids. >> not that they're not beautiful kids. jumping the gun. putting rings on fingers. and all sorts of stuff. anyway -- yeah, wish them the best of luck for that. a very touching story, i thought was great. zachary, played spock in "star trek" he came out in a very nonchalant way. doing an article for new york magazine. he said the reason why he came out was the fact that -- he was inspired by, a young boy that had committed suicide, he was gay, he made, it gets better video. zachary said that is, encouraged him to say as a gay man i need to come out live, proud and strong. very nice to see. plus he is 34. i'm 35. i'm thinking -- i could, i can lose my distraction about dating actors right from that one maybe.
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>> really touching though. his blog, wrote about the young man. wanted to reach out. hopefully, let other folks know, it does get better. >> absolutely does. absolutely does. great story i like to report on. coming up. turning bright lights in the blight. >> hollywood discovers a rundown, rust belt city. you are watching "world news now." we know a place where tossing and turning
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♪ >> well, finally this half-hour, gary, indiana, you know it as michael jackson's home town. it is long past its glory days. but it is putting its proverbial best foot forward these days. >> it might not be the most scenic part of the country, but some who are looking for something specific it is perfect for them. abc's chris bury went to gary to check it out. >> reporter: in the new transformers movie they stage an epic battle here.
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in "nightmare on elm street," evil freddie krueger makes it his lair. and in "pearl harbor," those american planes are bombing it. not hollywood. it's actually gary, indiana. a rust belt city that can't afford to tear down all of its abandoned buildings. so gary is renting out its ruins as ready-made sets. >> why not take lemons and make lemonade. why not squeeze a little economic value out of these structures. while they're still here. >> reporter: this old cement plant becomes chernobyl after the meltdown. in "transformers dark of the moon." hollywood directors love buildings like this, gary's city methodist church. once a magnificent cathedral, now a perfect backdrop for scenes of decay and destruction. in the new thriller, "altered," a killer priest lurks here, dispatching his victims in the old chapel. >> this would cost hundreds of
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thousands. millions to re-create. it's just sitting here. >> reporter: from low budget zombie flicks. to multimillion dollar block busters, filmmakers are flocking to gary's picturesque decline. >> industrial decay has a certain, charm. >> reporter: once a booming steel town, gary fell on hard times after those jobs moved overseas. >> action! >> reporter: now the film industry is the own one thriving here, and $500 a day per location, a bargain for filmmakers, a blessing for gary. money helps train high school kid to work on movie sets like this. so gary is squeezing gold from its faded glory. but you can't see it from here, the movie theater is abandoned too. chris bury, abc news, gary, indiana. talk about turning lemons into lemonade there. >> midwest tenacity at its best. that's the news for this half-hour. don't miss our updates on face book
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>> catch us on twitter. stay in touch. thank you for staying up with us.
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